Friday, Laura and I both blew out of work early and went up north so to see Social Distortion play, I have been seeing them play since 1988. I was pretty psyched to go to Friday's show more for the opening bands Frank Turner and Lucero. I am totally into both bands and I probably would not have gone otherwise. We got to the show a couple of minutes late and Frank Turner was already playing but we caught 85% of his set. AMAZING! We talked to him after his set and he told us he was playing an acoustic set at Illegal Peats Saturday afternoon, we said we would try to make it but question if we could time it right.
Lucero played a great set. Social D was good but I think I might have seen them to much over the years. Friday night was just fun night.
Saturday we got up earlier than expected because I am retarded and don't know how to use a cell phone properly. We drove up to Ft Collins and had an amazing breakfast with our old friend Kurt, who we don't spent nearly enough time with.(sorry I am a shitty friend!) After over eating a 50 mile bike ride was en order. We rode Rist Cayon and around the back side of Horsetooth reservoir. It might be my favorite ride in Colorado and it always reminds me this is why I love Road Riding. We finished out ride by time trialing back to the truck. We hauled ass back to Denver dropped off our bikes and made downtown in time to catch Frank Turner. So much fun was had in a small Burrito shop: 1 Guy, 1 Guitar, and 50 people singing along. Talked to him again after the show (mostly about Straight Edge, bizarre!) We finished off our night having Pizza at Udi's (Laura's friend Etai owns but wasn't there) but a great meal.
This morning we caught up with our friend Jammie and road Deer Creek area great riding and good conversations about fitness, diet and racing. Fun ride also a good reason to own a road bike. As we were leaving Laura pointed out a guy in a Hampsten Jersey and she said yes when I asked her if it was Kern. So we hoped in the truck and caught up to them and sure enough it was Kern and Gretchen who we had road with in France this summer. We talked to them for a minute and let them get on their way to finish their ride.
It was cool to see some old friend and make a new one.